
Each beachgoer’s reply to the manonabeach® question – “What does the beach mean to you?” – is recorded.  Here are the results so far, including the most viewed beach pages in the series, below the charts:

There have been 744 different responses to the question, recorded in 1,342 narrative interviews at 668 beaches. These responses are divided into six manageable categories, as shown below:

For all categories, the most common responses are as follows:

The most common responses for each category are as follows:

emotional & spiritual:

work, economics & organisations:

family & friends:




 Most viewed beach pages…

The 10 most viewed beach pages at manonabeach® are currently:

1. Kynance Cove, Cornwall, here

2. Crantock, Cornwall, here

3. Holywell Bay, Cornwall, here

4. Lulworth Cove, Dorset, here

5. Holkham, Norfolk, here

6. Southwold, Suffolk, here

7. Camusdarach, Highlands of Scotland, here

8. St Mawes, Cornwall, here

9. Claigan Coral Beach, Isle of Skye, here

10. Saunton Sands, Devon, here.


2 thoughts on “Findings

  1. Lesley

    Hi there, met you today at Watergate. Hope you got up to Tintagel before the tide came in. Looking at your graphs above, was wondering if you’d transcribed the interviews and if so, how about creating a Wordle to show the frequency of key words. Great website and idea. Inspiring!

    1. manonabeach

      Thanks Lesley, also for your suggestion. All narrative interview responses are transcribed onto a spreadsheet and the graphs on this page link to the most numerous responses in that data set.


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