Lulworth Cove

View map of beach Parking available Toilets available South West Coast Path SSSI Dog friendly Beach cleaned regularly Good water quality for swimming

Season: spring

Lulworth Cove was bathed in morning sunlight.  This is a stunning location, a geological timepiece, with rocks that span in age from sixty five million to a hundred and sixty five million years old.  The five miles either side of here are sometimes described as jewels in the Jurassic coastline, well worth a visit at any time of year and connected by a cliff top path, which itself is part of the South West Coast Path.  On this occasion the wet winter had taken its toll, with increased landslips all along the coast, so care was needed when planning a walk.

Spring visit photo gallery


Ray’s affection for this stretch of coastline.


Looking across Lulworth Cove in the morning light.

Season: autumn

Lulworth Cove was formed about ten thousand years ago by the combined power of a river and the sea.  The narrow Portland Stone entrance leads to softer Purbeck, Wealden, Greensand and Chalk ground behind, that is still being eroded.  Lulworth Cove has a pebble beach and by virtue of its natural protection is very sheltered.  The steps at the eastern end of the beach lead to Fossil Forest and Mupe Bay, with a stunning walk along the cliff top. The footpath is within the MoD Restricted Area and is only open at weekends and for the whole of August.  There’s a café on the beach and toilet facilities are nearby.  In summer you can take a boat from the beach to Durdle Door or Mupe Bay, affording a wonderful view of the spectacular coastline.

Autumn visit photo gallery


Looking back to the village from above one side of Lulworth Cove.

2 thoughts on “Lulworth Cove

  1. Hamish

    The beach represents happiness.  No one goes to the beach to be in a bad mood; everyone at the beach is happy and that’s infectious. An hour on a beach in summer can lift even the most morose of moods.

  2. James

    Brisk, bracing winter walks. The sound of shingle footsteps and crashing waves rolling from the Atlantic across Lyme Bay. The smell of sea wet dogs, rosy faces and fish and chips at the Hive.

    Summer – swimming out to little boats for an afternoon sail, avoiding the lobster pots and maybe catching a mackerel for tea with a glass of rose at sundown.


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