Holkham beach

View map of beach Parking available Norfolk Coast Path & Peddars Way SSSI Dog friendly

Season: summer

I had deliberately scheduled an early morning visit to this sensory sensation of a beach to gain a few moments alone during a spell of wonderful weather.  Interviewee Sheila and her dog had a similar idea and we met by the pine woods behind the beach.  There was plenty of time and space for a long walk thereafter, during which time I met further interviewees Rachel and Steve, walking round for breakfast from adjacent Wells-Next-The-Sea.  We were the only four people on a sea of sand, sheer bliss. This is a special place, as witnessed by its popularity with film crews from around the world.  Iconic and highly recommended.

Summer visit photo gallery


Sheila’s testimony to the beach.


What the beach means to Rachel and Steve.


Acres of space in the morning sunshine.

Season: summer

Holkham is a spectacular beach to visit at any time, but the azure blue sky on this occasion added to the dynamic.  The tide was out, increasing the sense of space.  Horses exercised along the shore.  Back from the water’s edge, a dense bed of razor clam shells whistled musically in the breeze as I walked towards the tree-lined backdrop to this wonderful beach.

Summer season photo gallery.


The beach as part of a project and a homage for Joe.

Season: winter

This is the most well known North Norfolk beach, with miles of natural beauty and a great sense of space.  As part of the Holkham Estate, the beach is usually accessed via Lady Anne’s Drive, opposite the Victoria Inn.  There is a variety of walks, such is the size of the beach.  A left turn at the bottom of the drive takes you through the pine woods and back along the beach.  Turning right takes you towards Wells-Next-The-Sea and its lifeboat house and dunes, again among the pine woods.  This beach has remarkable light and it’s no wonder that it has featured in many films, including the final scene of “Shakespeare in Love”.

Winter visit photo gallery


It keeps pulling Steve back.


Nick is a long way from home.


The expansive beach at Holkham.

3 thoughts on “Holkham beach

  1. Lynne

    For us, the beach is essential. Sailing is why we live here and when we’re sailing off the North Norfolk coast, it puts life into perspective. The big space and beauty re-balance our frenetic daily lives. It’s the ultimate escape for us.

  2. Lucy

    Holkham beach is woven into the fabric of my life and, therefore, its wild and untouched expanses evoke many fond memories.  My husband and I dreamt of a family and sandy hallway floors when playing cricket as newly-weds.  I have stood, mid-May, under dark skies and amidst unexpected hail, heavily pregnant, enjoying the dramatic scene.  A few years’ on my young children introduced our, then, collie pup to the sea.  And, one evening only a few weeks ago, we celebrated my husband’s birthday as a family on an almost vacant beach, in August!  So in all, the beach at Holkham is incredibly important to me.  It is a place where we, as a family, find solace and space to think.  Holkham’s wide, natural expanses of sea, sand, dunes and sky seam to embody a stage, where key moments of my life are played out. I hope this will continue until I am grey and old.  There’s no place I’d rather be.

  3. Rosie

    It is the place where I can sense infinity and the wonder of nature. The colours of the sea make good use of the artist’s palette in soft but vibrant colours and the sea at times seems to mingle into the sky. It is where I go where I am troubled to ground myself, to find calm, or to celebrate good news. The sound of the sea, making its own unique music, both nourishes and sustains me. I need to be near the sea at least once a week and when I had to spend over 3 weeks in hospital in 2016 I felt trapped and I was only helped by finding a seascape on a wall to gaze at. I can walk for miles on the beach and find peace, to appreciate the present moment, and be still, to stop ‘and stare’. Being married to a conchologist means we share a love of the coast; where we are together but separate. He walks slowly methodically checking for razor shell records while I have the whole expanse of a sandy beach to walk along. After a short walk I usually find I am alone, having lost the ‘madding crowd’. Sand is my preference to a rocky beach and among my favourites are Formby beach, Merseyside, and Holkham, Norfolk, discovered in my childhood before the film ‘Shakespeare in love’ popularised it. Cornwall is my spiritual home as it holds so many hidden beaches & creeks, some still to be discovered.
    Above all I wonder at the power of the sea, which has the ability to both harm and heal with its wide ranging moods from calm to turbulent stormy.
    My dream is to live by the sea, to walk there every day, to dress for the weather. It would be heaven on earth to draw the curtains every morning to greet the sea and see what mood it has wakened to. Then to close the curtains as darkness falls and allow the sea to carry on
    its never ending journey. The sea surrounds our world and will exist longer than us. Its power puts our lives into perspective.


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