Season: summer
This summer visit was to the Oyces (Oyce of Herston and Oyce of Quindry) at Widewall Bay, which can be found at the most sheltered end of the bay. There’s another strand at nearby Sands of Wright beach, which I visited during the previous December. An oyce, pronounced “oose”, is a flat inlet within an existing bay, ideal for drawing up flat bottomed Viking boats over a thousand years ago. The naturally calm atmosphere here was heightened on this occasion by idyllic weather. I strongly recommend a visit to South Ronaldsay and to this bay in particular.
What the beach means to Veronica.
Peace and quiet at Widewall Bay.
Season: winter
Widewall Bay is a sheltered enclave on the western side of South Ronaldsay, sitting by the main southern entrance to Scapa Flow. It is a yachting shelter and it has a small beach. There is a heavy ancient historical resonance hereabouts, including the interesting Oyce of Quindry, a neolithic portal which is fully visible at low tide. This is a great birdwatching location too and there are excellent views across the bay to Hoxa and towards the picturesque village of Herston. On this occasion I visited Sands of Wright in the bay.
What the beach means to Helen.
A high tide at Sands of Wright.