
View map of beach Parking available Toilets available South West Coast Path SSSI Dog friendly

Season: summer

Wild rain and a strong wind set the scene at Portholland, with waves lashing the sea defences as the tide started to fall away.  Village residents were stockaded behind closed doors, avoiding the worst of the weather.  The vibrant sea and the random nature of the elements made this an exciting place to be.  I chatted to Trounce in the shelter of his home, about the beach, the sea and the lyrical appeal of Portholland to him.

Summer visit photo gallery


With Trounce and his recollections of Portholland and swimming in the sea.


Trounce’s poem.


The action of the sea against the shore at East Portholland.

Season: spring

Portholland, East and West, was bathed in sunshine on a high tide for this spring visit.  Locals and visitors were sitting out at this south west facing cove, enjoying a welcome respite from the recent winter storms.  This couldn’t have been a more different sight, tranquil and peaceful, an oasis of calm in which to enjoy a relaxing weekend afternoon.

Spring visit photo gallery


What the beach means to Jill.

2 thoughts on “Portholland

  1. Hilary Morrison

    Enjoyed seeing the interviews with Trounce and hearing his poem. Portholland has many happy memories as I lived first at West Portholland and then at East Portholland in my childhood. I return each year to the beaches and walk along the cliff path which leads to Porthluney, revisiting memories.
    Can I just point out that the movie of the hamlet of Portholland which shows the sea defences and the cottages are East Portholland and not West Portholland as the commentator states. A small error but thought I would point it out as the 2 hamlets are very different in character and size.


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