
View map of beach Parking available Toilets available SSSI Dog friendly Beach cleaned regularly Good water quality for swimming

Season: autumn

This is a harbour beach, mainly shingle with clean bathing water.  Dover is a busy ferry terminal, but the seafront behind the beach isn’t industrial; in fact it’s quite attractive.  Stretching out to the north are the eponymous, evocative white cliffs and medieval Dover Castle sits above the town.  Although most visitors are passing through en route to France, those who stop awhile can enjoy the water sports centre or visit Swimmer’s Beach at the north eastern end, where cross-Channel swimmers train and acclimatise for the challenge ahead.

Autumn season photo gallery


What the beach means to Alison and Pete.  Alison’s swim is raising money for Parkinsons UK and her successful donations page is here.


By the White Cliffs of Dover in the autumn.

One thought on “Dover

  1. Laurie

    I grew up with Dover beach on my doorstep, I’d watch ferries glide in and out of port and wonder what adventurers those sailing were off upon. Later, I worked as marketing manager for a ferry company and found the answer to be a lot less imaginative than my childhood musings… But to me, a beach is linked with a sense of youthful adventure, of rock pools and fool’s gold from Shakespeare Cliff.