
View map of beach Parking available Toilets available Isle of Wight Coastal Path SSSI Dog friendly Beach cleaned regularly Good water quality for swimming

Season: summer

Yarmouth is dominated by its harbour and the yachting berths.  The small shingle beach sits in the lea of the pier.  Located by the Royal Solent Yacht Club, the beach is part of the town, which has enjoyed a strategic historical significance.  The beach is used for launching and returning dinghies and the adjacent town reflects the maritime emphasis here, with genteel cafes, bars and restaurants all adding to an up-market impression.  A worthwhile attraction in the town is the excellent Drift shop on the High Street, featuring exotic ethnic treasures, found during off-season international travel.

Summer visit photo gallery


What the beach means to Artemis.


Summer on the beach at Yarmouth.

One thought on “Yarmouth

  1. Katia

    It was lovely meeting you in Yarmouth. What a beautiful project! This website makes you want to go on adventures exploring the beautiful coastline. Living on the Isle of Wight means that we are never too far from the water. The beach means space and peace. I love the colours, textures and moods throughout the different seasons. It is my inspiration!