
View map of beach Parking available Toilets available SSSI Dog friendly Lifeguard cover from mid July to mid September Beach cleaned regularly Good water quality for swimming

Season: spring

It was a misty morning by the shore at Hastings, as one of the inshore fleet, the Senlac Jack, returned to port with cuttlefish and some Dover sole.  I was able to film the hauling up of the eighteen ton boat across the shingle.  As well as being a popular visitor attraction, this is the main Cinque Port in East Sussex, with a proud fishing tradition and a healthy, thriving Sea Angling Association.

Spring visit photo gallery


Pete’s pride in his family connection to the fishing in Hastings.


The Senlac Jack returns to port.


A morning vista, seen from the top of the beach by Pelham Place in Hastings.

Season: winter

This visit was to the beach next to Pelham in Hastings, a south east facing shingle beach.  Much of this beach has been created from land reclaimed from the sea. With the advent of the railways in the 19th century, more tourists arrived in Hastings and so more beach space was required. The beach is generally shingle, but sand is exposed at low tide.  An explanation of the recent damage to the harbour wall was given by Paul in the Sea Anglers Association building by the beach.

Winter visit photo gallery


Paul explains the importance of Hastings’ history and status to his world today.


The scene on the beach at Hastings, by Pelham.

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