Minnis Bay

View map of beach Parking available Toilets available Monkton Nature Reserve SSSI Dog friendly Lifeguard cover weekends May 26 to July 1, daily July 7 to September 2 Beach cleaned regularly Good water quality for swimming

Season: autumn

This popular family beach has easy access and there are beach huts behind it.  Located in a sandy bay, the water sports and boating areas are zoned for safety and the bathing water is excellent, in terms of cleanliness.  With a children’s play area, plus national sailing and windsurfing competitions to enjoy, as well as sunsets over the beach, Minnis Bay truly has something for every visitor.  Both Margate and Herne Bay can be easily reached from here and the immediately available facilities are first class.

Autumn season photo gallery


What the beach means to Lynn and Val.


A high tide in the morning at Minnis Bay.